Star 30P (Police Model) kal. 9×19 mm. m. kompensator
3.895,00 kr.
Flot pistol med et lækkert aftræk og velfungerende kompensator
Pistolen fremstår utroligt flot og med meget få brugsmærker
SA/DA aftræk
Faste sigtemidler
Doublestack magasin
Totallængde 21 cm
Løbslængde 11,5 cm
Historie fra Wikipidia
Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A. was a manufacturer of small arms (principally pistol caliber firearms such as handguns and submachine guns) in the Eibar / Basque region of Spain from about 1905 until 1997.
The Eibar region has been a center of weapons development and manufacture for centuries, with “Spanish Steel” historically being a selling point with its reputation for quality and durability. When firearms came into being, Eibar retained its edge as a weapons manufacturing center. The oldest known ancestor of the Star lineage is José Cruz Echeverria, who made muzzle-loading firearms in the 19th century.
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